
On a solid frame, hand ejecting revolver, the crane is the part of the gun that the cylinder is opened, or swings out on.1

  • aka
    • yoke
  • term usage
    • Colt’s Manufacturing Company calls it a crane.2 3
    • Smith & Wesson (American Outdoor Brands Corporation) calls it a yoke.4 5
    • Taurus International Manufacturing calls it a yoke.6


  1. Glossary ⇒.” Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute. Ed. SAAMI’s Technical Committee. Web. 15-18 Jan. 2011.
  2. Supica, Jim, and Richard Nahas. Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson. 3rd ed., Krause Publications, 2006. Print. p. 429.
  3. Author’s professional experience.
  4. Supica, Jim, and Richard Nahas. Standard Catalog of Smith & Wesson. 3rd ed., Krause Publications, 2006. Print. p. 429.
  5. Author’s professional experience.
  6. Author’s professional experience.

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