Federal Firearms License

In the United States, a Federal Firearms License (FFL) is required to engage in the business of selling, pawning, manufacturing (including gunsmithing) or importing firearms or ammunition. Individuals or businesses that hold a Federal Firearms License are known as Federal Firearms Licensees (FFL). 1

The types of FFLs are: 2 3

      • Type 01 – Dealer in firearms other than destructive devices (includes gunsmiths).
      • Type 02 – Pawnbroker in firearms other than destructive devices.
      • Type 03 – Collector of curios & rellics.
      • Type 06 – Manufacturer of ammunition for firearms other than ammunition for destructive devices or armor piercing ammunition.
      • Type 07 – Manufacturer of firearms other than destructive devices.
      • Type 08 – Importer of firearms or ammunition for firearms other than destructive devices or ammunition other than armor piercing ammunition.
      • Type 09 – Dealer in destructive devices.
      • Type 10 – Manufacturer of destructive devices, ammunition for destructive devices, or armor piercing ammunition.
      • Type 11 – Importer of destructive devices, ammunition for destructive devices, or armor piercing ammunition.

Classic American Gunsmith maintains a Type 01 FFL (dealer), a Type 07 FFL (manufacturer) and a Class 2 SOT (manufacturer).

The ATF’s National Firearms Act Handbook defines FFL as ” a Federal firearms licensee, person or entity having a license to import, manufacture, or deal in firearms under the GCA.” 4 5



  1. The ACRONYM FFL is used interchangeably to mean the license or the holder of the license.
  2. There are no Type 04 or Type 05 FFLs. No, I do not know why.
  3. Source: https://www.atf.gov/resource-center/types-federal-firearms-licenses-ffls ⇒
  4. GCA is the Gun Control Act.
  5. National Firearms Act Handbook. ⇒ U.S. Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Office of Enforcement Programs and Services, 2009. p. 2.